Rise & Thrive Coaching Course - Manawatū
Female Coach Development
Are you a female coach eager to elevate your skills and connect with like-minded women? Join us for an inspiring series of growth and networking right here in the Manawatū region!
Session two will be underway in November and open to both those who attended session one, and those who didn't - everyone is welcome!
This opportunity is for any level self-identified female coach in or near the Manawatū region.
Hear from guest panelists, upskill with coaching relevant sessions and expand your network amongst other local wāhine.
Three Pou:
- Waihanga te tangata - Networking
- Herea nga tāngata - Development
- Kia ora ai te hapori - Community
1. Sunday 13 Oct
2. Sunday 17th Nov - Topics: Tetra map (preferred behaviours & communication) follow on + Sport Psychology guest speaker
3. Sunday 2nd Feb - Topics: leadership and the emotional culture deck - to build a positive team culture
4. Sunday 2nd March - Topics: Athlete wellbeing, with special guest Raylene Bates (High Performance Coach to athletes including Paralympian Holly Robinson)
5. Sunday 6th April (plus a celebration post 5pm with kai)
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm (with networking post 5pm)
Venue: Massey University Sport & Event Centre, 56 Albany Drive, Linton, Palmerston North
Childcare will be available (registration required)